Eden Spodek is a digital communications strategist with a unique perspective on emerging media. Client-side, agency-side and high profile blogger and community builder, she’s seen the digital world from all sides and worked with several top-tier brands.
Most recently, Eden added curriculum developer/instructor to her role with the launch of the Digital Strategy & Communications Management certificate program at University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies. She volunteered as lead co-organizer of PodCamp Toronto for five years.
Eden is happiest helping colleagues and clients to be a little disruptive, challenging the status quo and impacting how people think about brands. She’s outspoken about the importance of building online engagement and targeted relationships, one influencer at a time.
Eden is based in Toronto and can be found on many places online including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram where she loves sharing photos of her adventures.
My original blog
Bargainista... where people who love shopping connect is a Toronto-based blog about anything and everything related to shopping, customer service, bargains and a dash of social media thrown in for good measure.
Bargainista was launched in 2006, a time when very few brands considered building relationships with bloggers. Almost all of what I wrote was organic and a reflection of my personal experiences with no external nudging. About a year-and-a-half later, the brands and their agencies came knocking on my door (well, inbox) trying to entice me with all kinds of information, bargains, swag and event opportunities. Sometimes I accepted their challenges other times I didn’t and regardless, I always did and will continue to disclose any material relationships impacting my writing.
Lots has changed since then – personally, professionally and in social media. Bargainista helped open lots of doors but my focus shifted somewhat. I hope you’ll still enjoy the ride and I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
bargainista [at] gmail [dot] com

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