Enough is enough. My son’s Bar Mitzvah was last week and it was time to buy some new shoes and sandals for my otherwise pampered footsies.
I found a great pair of dressy Franco Sarto sandals at Capezio even before I had a party outfit. Whew! They were a perfect complement for my new Anne Hung dress. I still needed pumps for everyday. I found a great pair of mock croc stamped leather ones with pointy toes and a spiked

With the other new shoes I bought last summer (I bought lots then too) I thought was set for the warm sunny seasons of ’08.
Then the unexpected happened… I injured my hip dancing at the Bar Mitzvah party. Even after x-rays, I’m not entirely sure what the problem is but it includes partial dislocation, at least one torn ligament and some other hip socket damage. Six weeks of taking it easy, a few days off work, and no high heels. Doctor’s orders!

So, today I had to rush around finding new fancy, flat footwear for my new limpy lifestyle. I scoured four stores in my ‘hood but nothing really grabbed me nor was it on sale. A friend suggested I check out Prada* on Bloor because shoes were 40% off! I didn’t really feel like heading downtown.
I ended up at Yorkdale and must have checked out every descent shoe store in the mall. Most stores had horrible service and a salesperson at the least busy one just threw shoe boxes at me - it wasn’t because she had other customers on the go either.
Wouldn’t you know, the first

*Browns has all their designer shoes on sale right now, including Prada.