I’m thankful PayPal gave me this opportunity to shop as a way of giving back to the community this holiday season. Although it was time-consuming, I was able to give a lot more than I’d have been able to do on my own. PayPal definitely makes online shopping quicker and easier because you can bypass entering your credit card information every time you make a purchase. And besides, shopping at the crack of dawn in your PJs can be quite liberating. The only drawback is that PayPal’s not accepted as widely as major credit cards.
When you’re an experienced shopper, going to the mall or other bricks and mortar retail outlets before Christmas, doesn’t necessarily have to be a horrible experience and may even be quicker than shopping online – especially when you’ve prepared a list, done your research in advance and have a game plan before you enter the mall – in other words, planned your visit as I’ve shown. If you’re like me, you may also enjoy the instant gratification and find it less stressful than waiting for deliveries to arrive. (I’m still waiting for an eReader case from Sony Style – urgh!)
The time I spent shopping online first significantly helped alleviate potential frustrations when I shopped at Yorkdale.
Tip: If you’re driving, spend $8 on the valet service. It’s worth every penny this time of year.
So, now you’ve heard all about my experiences spending $1,000 on gifts. Where did you do your holiday shopping and what are your tips? Did you shop more online or at a mall?
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