Last week, Purolator delivered a 35lb box of
portion-controlled goodies to my door. Well, I wasn’t home, but I did get a notice to go pick it up at the depot. Lucky for me, Purolator Courier is a 5 minute drive from my home, so I had my package by 8 p.m.
I needed to confirm that there was enough food, and it certainly looked like it. It took a while to sift through the box. I piled the colour coded packages on my dining room table to see what's in store. In my final count, the numbers didn’t support 28 days of 3 meals and 2 snacks/desserts.
Here’s what the box contained:
• 19 breakfasts – not enough
• 28 snacks/desserts – not enough for 2 per day. Also, many of the biscotti packages seemed crushed.
• 28 lunches – Yep, this is correct.
• 36 dinners – a few too many. That’s OK, more choice!
Also, no information kit – the key to understanding the “system” in NutriSystem. I contacted our rep who promised to rush out “some remaining breakfast items to fill out the 28 days, some new biscotti, and the information kit with the DVD.”
Also, she explained that we “should only have one snack/dessert per day (all explained in the information kit)”. I was confused, since I read on the
NutriSystem website that “You get to eat 5 times a day to help reduce those cravings between meals!”. I assumed that #5 was a second NutriSystem snack. (I’ve since discovered that you DO get to have a second snack, but it is not supplied by NutriSystem. They do advise you on what to choose, though – a piece of fruit, for example.)
On Saturday, the supplementary box arrived – did it ever! Another big box of food. Yes, the information kit was there with the exercise DVD. And the breakfasts and the biscottis. Plus lots and lots more lunches and dinners and very yummy-sounding snacks, including chocolate bars – woo hoo! NutriSystem overload!
I spent some time reading the nutritional information. It’s pretty clear that jacking up PROTEIN intake is a key part of NutriSystem. Every single meal or snack that I looked at 10-25mg of protein and little fat. You just do not find that in everyday food – unless you sprinkle protein powder on everything you eat. I’m encouraged: protein is good for us, keeps us feeling full, and gives us energy.
Yeah, but how does the food taste? I'm curious too! We’ll let you know when we finally get started. Meanwhile, Eden STILL awaits her first delivery of NutriSystem meals.
Talk about portion control!
[Bargainista: I received my first food package today (the DVD should arrive any day) and will give a full report on Day 1 – Stay tuned!]