NutriSystem has been helping Americans lose weight for 35 years. New to Canada, they want to share their secrets with us Canucks. Apparently, clients who stay on the program for three months, lose 1.5 - 2lbs/wk (.68-.9 kilos). Carol Prinn has been on the plan for five months and lost 36 pounds. I want to know if her results are typical and what it’s like to be on the program. Teena has just started so I’ll be watching her closely too.
I’ve been struggling to shed the extra 25-30 pounds I gained back after a successful experience with another weight loss program six years ago. I used to go to meetings but got bored when the focus shifted to a triathlon the company sponsored. Last year I tried a workout program but it didn’t work out for me.
I lost some weight last summer but gained it back. My clothes aren’t fitting and nothing I try seems to look good on me. (The cat is out of the bag. Now you know why I haven’t been shopping for clothes lately.)
I’m curious to see if NutriSystem really works and what the food is like. I’ve never been a fad dieter or tried anything like this before.
Wanna join me for FREE?
Here’s the deal... NutriSystem will give us (me plus one lucky reader) a 3-month supply of food plus phone and online support for free (approximate value: $1,000). I’m going to blog about our progress at least once a week. And don’t worry, I’m not posting my actual weight and I won’t share yours either unless you want to. I’ll be focusing on weight changes. We can start the program together and I’m hoping the community will cheer us on. If you have a blog or podcast and you’d like to discuss your results, that’s cool too.
Want to join me? Leave a comment or send an e-mail explaining why. The contest is open to Canadian residents and ends on Wednesday, Jan. 11 at 5 p.m. EST. So, what are you waiting for? Get your entry in soon.
Another NutriSystem freebie
NutriSystem has a promo on now. Buy 28 days of food and get one week of food for free. You won’t be alone. NutriSystem offers counseling and support for everyone on the program and provides preliminary counseling and assessment for those who are thinking about joining. If you do decide to try it out, as always, leave a comment.
The fine print
As with any weight loss program, contact your doctor first and read NutriSystem’s Terms and Conditions. I (“Bargainista”) am not responsible for any problems ensuing as a result of your participation in this program.
I want in! Here's why:
3 years ago (before we had our first child) I had worked my way down to 180 lbs. It was awesome. Since then, I've ballooned to 270lbs. Very ouch.
I blog. So do a lot of people. But I've also experimented with thinblogging (formerly fatblogging). Point is, I've already reached *some* bit of an audience with regard to weight loss. And I'm comfortable sharing my progress publicly.
I'm vegetarian. Does the system allow for meat (incl. fish) free diets? I'm ok with eggs and dairy.
Hey Mario,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your entry. I'm checking to see if NutriSystem can accommodate vegetarians. Stay tuned.
Even if this isn't the program for you, feel free to join us in your own way. I'm hoping we can all support each other in our weight loss efforts the next few months.
Just to be clear, having a blog or podcast isn't part of the judging criteria for the contest.
Good for you Mario! I think I'm allergic to the gym. I'm waiting for Wii Fit. I do walk quite a bit though.
ReplyDeletevery cool! I could stand to lose, oh 25 lbs! Even my doctor told me, sigh. Pls throw my name in the hat!
ReplyDeleteI would like to say that I am carrying the weight I gained when I had my daughter but at some point, I lost that and gained some new. I'd be interested in this to see how it works in the context of my family. How will I explain to my daughter why I am not eating what she and her dad are (and when she is expected to eat what is served)? Will the meals inspire me to cook similar foods for them? At the end will I have a reperatoire of healthful choices I can make and, important for me, meal plans?
ReplyDeleteHi Eden,
ReplyDeleteI'm Megan from NutriSystem. Thanks for inviting us to join the conversation here and answer questions from your readers.
First, with regard to Mario's question: We do offer plenty of choices for vegetarians, but the selection is more limited than for people who eat meat. So while a vegetarian could absolutely participate in the program, we're not yet at the point in Canada where we are marketing a "vegetarian" program. Good luck Mario, with your weight loss efforts, whether or not you are the winner of Eden's giveaway.
Barbara asks a great question about how to fit NutriSystem in at the family dinner table. In fact, NutriSystem offers a plan that provides real foods, probably similar to what you are serving your family today, i.e. pasta, chicken, lasagna. Depending upon how old your daughter is, you can communicate to her that her mommy needs to make sure she feels better and NutriSystem is helping her do so. I would hope it would inspire you to cook similar meals for your family, but more importantly, I hope they see the example you are setting not only by what you eat, but also how much you are eating and this will help set an example of proper portions. Also, included in the program is our Mindset Makeover which will not only help you while on program, but it will also teach you what to look for in the grocery store, and how to take what we teach you on the program and apply it to the rest of your life.
Thanks again Mario, Barbara and Eden, and best of luck in your own weight loss efforts!
Hi Bargainist- me again.
ReplyDeleteOk, I posted my "why" on my blog with a link back to you. Is that OK, or do you want the post on your site - no problem for me at all, although a bit long for a comment, I suspect.
Megan, Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you'll continue participating as we report our progress and thoughts over the next 12 weeks or so.
ReplyDeleteIn total Here's a link to Nancy's entry: http://urltea.com/2i24
The contest is now closed. Thanks everyone who participated. We have nine entries in total. I'm hoping to announce the winner by early next week.