You may have noticed I haven’t been posting as frequently for the past several weeks. Believe it or not, I haven't been shopping much either. But, I am making a concerted effort to pick up the pace.
Lately, my in-box has been filling up with all sorts of stuff from PR or marketing types who just send me generic news releases and invitations for products, services and events that have nothing to do with the blog and/or hold little interest for a Bargainista like myself. I’m just getting all kinds of random stuff with no introduction and no compelling reason to care.
Don’t get me wrong, I DO receive pitches from people who know what they are doing and those who are trying their best. Lots has been said about
bad pitches and
how to pitch bloggers so I won’t go on ad nauseum here. However, I will share an example of the best
social media news release (SMNR) I’ve ever seen (thanks to
Bryper for the heads-up). It’s for the
2008 Ford Focus , and a big shout out goes to
Maggie Fox and
Collin Douma at
Social Media Group.
release is well-organized and has everything a blogger could want:
• contacts
• key facts
• beautiful photos
• videos
• relevant links
There’s even an RSS feed so you can subscribe for updates. Best of all, I don’t have to dig to find any of it. You can pitch me anytime!
So this week my wish is a bit different. It’s not about the awesome new pair of metallic gray
Franco Sarto tuxedo flats I ogled in a shop window on Thanksgiving Day or the gorgeous mustard blouse with black sash I salivated over at
Femme de Carrière last night (good thing mustard isn’t my colour, and it was beyond my price range anyway).
Have you figured it out yet? This week I’m wishing for the perfect pitch for a shopping blogger such as myself. If you want to pitch me, you don’t have to send me a SMNR but at the very least read my blog and try and
connect with me. Who know’s maybe I’ll even start posting more often.
Now if Ford would only find a way to charge the same price for cars north of the border. And by the way, I’ve always wanted a red car. ; )
If you were me, what would you do? Would you pass up an interesting opportunity ’cause of a lousy pitch? Would you read a series about lame pitches?
photo credit:
Ford Motor Company’s photostream on
flickrTechnorati tags:
blog pitches,
Collin Douma,
Ford Focus,
Maggie Fox,
public relations,
social media news release,