I just finished reading
Nina Garcia’s
The Little Black Book of Style. I’m pleased to report it’s not a little black book of superficial information about how to be the next
Ashley or Mary-Kate. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Her inspiration comes from real women.
After a summer of bad
blog pitches and
tag lines making females feel like they’re never good enough, Nina Garcia starts the season off with a feel good message for young girls and older women alike – it’s inner beauty that matters. No matter what you wear (and this book goes into great depth about what to wear and what not to wear) it’s how you feel about yourself and how those feelings contribute to your personal sense of style that’s important. Yeah, Nina!
According to Garcia:
“Style comes from knowing who you and what you want to be in the world; it does not come from waiting to be somebody else, or wanting to be thinner, shorter, taller, prettier. Many of the most stylish women in the world have not been great beauties, but they have all drawn from an enormous amount of self-confidence. They made us think they were beautiful simply by believing in themselves.”
And don’t be fooled by her pedigree. This
Elle fashion director and
Project Runway judge with a penchant for the finest fabrics, jewels and designer labels, still knows the value of a bargain and has a warm place in her heart for
H&M, my current fave.
When it comes to her tips on editing your closet, she wisely advocates buying clothes that fit instead of sizes you hope to wear someday:
“I much prefer to be seduced by chocolate and a pair of pants that flatters me.”

I think we’d get along famously. ; ) Garcia shares all kinds of great advice in this elegant coffee table book. I’m thinking of sharing in future “
Tip of the Week” posts (of course I’ll be sure to give her credit.)
I thoroughly enjoyed The Little Black Book of Style. It’s written in an engaging fast-paced conversational style. Mini-interviews with couture designers including
Michael Kors and
Christian Louboutin and, successful models such as
Iman and
Heidi Klum (who shares her tips about pregnancy dressing) are insightful and inspiring. The playful illustrations by
Ruben Toledo help make this a lovely gift for any woman in need of a boost.
Best of all, thanks to the folks at
HarperCollins Canada I have a brand-new copy to give away. Interested? Share your favorite style tip. Leave a comment with your style tip by 5 p.m EST, Thursday, September 27. Comments will be entered into a random draw and the winner will be announced on the blog Friday, September 28. (Note: anonymous comments will be disqualified.)
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Nina Garcia,
Project Runway,
Ruben Toledo,
The Little Black Book of Style