After numerous phone calls with the several Starbucks' customer service folks in Seattle, and several calls with two different managers at the local Coach store and Creeds Dry Cleaning (who were all wonderful, by the way), Starbucks offered to pay my dry cleaning bill and send me a $15 Starbucks' gift card. Every time I spoke to a Starbucks' staffer, I asked for a confirmation e-mail. To this day, I have not received one!
Coach doesn't carry the same bag anymore. They thought Creeds would probably be able to remove the coffee stains.
Creeds' thought they'd be able to remove the coffee stains too, but didn't make a guarantee. They faxed me a quote for $65, which I quickly e-mailed to Starbucks.
Starbucks told me two different things (you can imagine my head was spinning):
• They'd pay for the dry cleaning (quoted at $65) and that's it - as in "don't bug us any more lady".
• They'd pay for the dry cleaning (as quoted), and if the stains didn't come out, I have the option of sending the purse to them for inspection and a decision as to whether or not they'll replace it.
So, I gave Creeds the go ahead thinking all would be fine.
Well, after waiting almost 3 weeks for their extra special dry cleaning process, my purse was returned this afternoon as promised. Only one problem... the stains didn't come out.

Is it worth all the hassle?
What would you do if you were me?
Technorati tags: Coach, customer service, dry cleaning, Starbucks
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